Immune Health & Detox POWERHOUSE 

Your Tired Muscles and Joints Relieved with up to 100x the Power of Nature’s Healthiest Green Super foods

“Eat your greens” A mantra that our parents drilled into us since childhood and for a reason. They’re really good for us. If you’re like most people though, you find it almost impossible to eat enough of them or you just can’t stand the taste!

Thankfully, 4 leading scientists just discovered how to extract a potent "golden nutrient" from inside the world's most nutritious green super foods. This means you can get up to 100x the antioxidant power of eating green vegetables and relieve stiff joints and muscles faster than ever before!


The "Golden Nutrient" That Gets Deep into the Root of Inflammation

The “golden nutrient” is Sulforaphane or SFN for short, a natural plant compound that's been shown to reduce inflammation at the source. And here’s where it gets really interesting more than 2000 studies have been done on SFN from top institutions like Harvard, Johns Hopkins, and Mayo Clinic. What did they find? Scientists discovered that SFN can:

  • ü  Block inflammation to relieve and protect against discomfort
  • ü  Detoxify your body so you look and feel fantastic
  • ü  Help your brain function so you can think clearer
  • ü  Stimulate the release of antioxidants to slow your aging process
  • ü  Enhance your body’s natural immune response
  • ü  Cleanse your gut for better digestion and so much more

The only problem is to get the same amazing results as many people in the 2000 studies, you’d need to eat two to six pounds of broccoli a day.

Once inside your cells, it creates special enzymes that help your body fight against free radicals. Simply put, having more SFN is shown to help reduce free radical damage and inflammation, which leads to:

  • ü  Better digestion
  • ü  Clearer thinking
  • ü  Less muscle and joint discomfort
  • ü  Stronger immunity
  • ü  Looking and feeling younger
  • ü  Plus a whole lot more

What are the benefits of SFN?

SFN is considered by experts to be one of the most powerful antioxidants on earth, with several benefits including:

  • ü  Promoting immune function so your body stays healthy
  • ü  Blocking inflammation to relieve and protect against discomfort
  • ü  Detoxifying your body so you look and feel fantastic
  • ü  Helping your brain function so you can think clearer
  • ü  Stimulating the release of antioxidants to slow your aging process
  • ü  As you can see SFN is powerful — extremely powerful!

Why can’t I just eat regular broccoli instead?

You can! The problem is that in order to do that, you’ll have to spend hours cooking broccoli or juicing huge amounts of broccoli sprouts every month. If you’re like most folks, we know that’s just not realistic.

That’s why we created BrocElite. It’s the ONLY supplement on the market with Stabilized Sulforaphane so that you can get 100x the benefits of broccoli without ever having to cook, chew, or juice a single piece! And there’s no washing up either!

What makes BrocElite different from other broccoli extract supplements?

BrocElite is the only broccoli supplement on the market offering Stabilized Sulforaphane ³ in the capsule (as opposed to the precursor, glucoraphanin otherwise known as sulforaphane glucosinolate). Research has shown that this potent breakthrough is up to 100 times more powerful than regular broccoli⁶ !

Can I take BrocElite if I have a sensitive stomach?

Yes! In research about 10% - 20% of people who take sulforaphane experience mild stomach discomfort only for a very a short period of time as the body adjusts. After this adjustment phase, the patented stabilization process means that the SFN is “wrapped” in tiny, water-soluble bubbles so it can pass through your stomach and safely into your bloodstream. This means you get all the benefits of broccoli without actually eating or digesting it!

Do I have to take BrocElite with food?

Yes, we recommend taking it with food. In research about 10% - 20% of people who take sulforaphane experience mild stomach discomfort for a short period of time. Taking BrocElite with food lessens the chance of experiencing this discomfort.

Why is the powder yellow?

While broccoli is green, we extract the sulforaphane from broccoli seed, which produces the yellow color that we call the “gold in broccoli”.

Is BrocElite made in the USA?

BrocElite is manufactured in Charlottesville VA. We source our broccoli seed from California, Tennessee, and Michigan. We cannot say “made in the USA” since our capsules come from Canada and Colombia.

Does BrocElite need to be refrigerated?

No, if you plan on using your bottle within one to two months. We do recommend refrigeration if you don’t plan on taking the product regularly.

How long does it take to notice an effect?

Everyone is different. From people who use BrocElite, we have heard from customers who have noticed effects from taking BrocElite anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks from the time of their first capsule. The most common effect people notice is less muscle and joint discomfort as a result of Nrf-2 pathway activation. The second most common effect is vivid dreaming at night as a result of brain-derived neurotrophic factor stimulation.

How long does one bottle last?

We recommend taking one to two capsules per day. You will get a health impacting amount of sulforaphane with just one capsule. Feedback from our customers leads us to believe that once you take a single capsule a day, your experience with BrocElite will soon lead you to take one capsule per day as you become aware of its benefits and how it is making you feel.