There are many rare minerals found throughout the world, each with unique properties and characteristics. Some examples include:

Minerals those are rarely available

1. Alexandrite: Alexandrite is a rare variety of chrysoberyl that is known for its distinctive color-changing ability. It appears green in natural light and red in artificial light, making it a highly sought-after gemstone. Alexandrite is found in Russia, Brazil, and Sri Lanka.

2. Benitoite: Benitoite is a rare blue gemstone that is found only in San Benito County, California. It is highly prized for its unique color and transparency, and is often used in jewelry.

3. Painite: Painite is a rare and valuable mineral that was discovered in Myanmar in the 1950s. It is known for its distinctive orange-red color and is often used in jewelry. There are only a few hundred known specimens of painite in the world.

4. Tanzanite: Tanzanite is a rare blue gemstone that is found only in the Merelani Hills of Tanzania. It is prized for its unique violet-blue color and is often used in jewelry.

5. Jeremejevite: Jeremejevite is a rare mineral that is found in Namibia, Russia, and Madagascar. It is known for its distinctive color, which ranges from pale blue to deep blue. Jeremejevite is often used in jewelry, and is considered one of the rarest gemstones in the world.

6. Red Beryl: Red Beryl, also known as "bixbite," is a rare and valuable mineral that is found only in a few locations in the United States, including Utah and New Mexico. It is known for its distinctive red color and is often used in jewelry.

7. Grandidierite: Grandidierite is a rare blue-green mineral that is found in Madagascar. It is known for its unique color and transparency, and is often used in jewelry. Grandidierite is considered one of the rarest gemstones in the world, with only a few known specimens in existence.