How to Regrow Hair in 60 Days without Hormones, Drugs, or Chemicals

Hair loss is never a good thing. We see it mostly in men due to genetics. They go to great lengths to cover it with comb-overs, “do-rags.” and berets until they give up and shave everything off, like Bruce Willis. Most of us don’t give it a second thought because it’s a part of a man’s distinguishing appearance. When a woman’s hair falls out it’s a tragedy. Its shape, color, length, style, and fullness define a woman. Luxurious flowing hair is a woman’s crowning glory. Thinning hair happens gradually. At first, you may notice a few extra hairs in your comb or brush. Then you see hair in the drain every day and start obsessing over your scalp in the mirror. Soon, the thinning becomes noticeable from a distance as your scalp shines through the sparse hair. Thinning hair can affect your mental and physical well-being. You become preoccupied with new ways to conceal what’s left of your hair under hats, scarves, and wigs.

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The Amazing Transformations!

Hair Loss Affects You Emotionally

Coping with hair loss creates additional stress. Some of the symptoms that women are dealing with hair loss include:

o        Premature aging

o        Speaking more hesitantly

o        Avoiding all social interactions

o        Avoiding eye contact

o        Loss of self-worth

o        Become unmotivated

o        Depression

The emotional toll directly affects a woman's health. As their hair continues to thin, women suffer an identity crisis and lose their power. Their confidence becomes shattered, and they begin to isolate themselves from everyone. Hair loss is tragic, but it doesn’t have to be permanent. There is a natural way to get your hair back.


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No Need to Feel Embarrassed or Unattractive

It may be a small consolation, but you’re not alone. The American Academy of Dermatology estimates that 40% of women over 40 experience hair loss.

There are three types of hair loss:

1.      The Chemicals: This can happen from taking medicines or chemotherapy. The medical term is Anagen effluvium. Essentially, the hair follicle becomes poisoned by the drugs.

2.   Nutritional Deficiencies: Your hair requires certain nutrients for healthy growth. If these nutrients are missing, the hair can start shedding.

3.     Female Pattern Hair Loss (FPHL): The clinical term is Androgenetic alopecia, and it’s the most common type of hair loss in women. The hair begins thinning on the top and the sides.

Hair Loss Is Most Common In Women Who:

o        Are over 35

o        Just had a baby

o        Are in chemotherapy

o        Wear tight styles like braids

o        Are in menopause

Hormones and diet play a critical role in hair loss and regrowth.

As you age and especially during menopause, estrogen and progesterone levels falls, increasing the effects of the male hormones.

The World's First Natural Hair Growth System That Works From The Inside & Outside!

The Fully Vital Hair Growth System fights hair loss from the inside and the outside. It uses only 100% natural vegan ingredients. There are no prescription drugs or heavy-duty chemicals that can cause adverse side effects. Your hair follicles are like tree trunks.

They anchor the hair in place and need the proper nourishment at the roots to stay healthy and strong. When they don’t get what they need, the follicles become weak or die, and the hair falls out. The Fully Vital Hair Growth System helps hair follicles in three ways.

1)                  Rebalances Hormones

2)                  Reduces the Effects of Stress

3)                  Nourishes the Follicle

Let’s look at how these factors can help you grow new hair and prevent more from falling out.

Estrogen is the main hormone in a woman’s body. It offsets the male hormone, testosterone, and other androgens. As estrogen levels fall due to aging, testosterone becomes more predominant, affecting the hair follicles and causing them to shed more.

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People naturally shed approximately 50 to 100 hairs a day. That’s no problem on a healthy scalp because new hairs are coming in all the time. Unfortunately, hormone imbalances cause rapid hair loss and prevent new hair from replacing them. That’s a recipe for a thinning scalp.

The natural ingredients in Fully Vital Hair Growth System strengthen weak hair follicles.

DHT Is Likely Causing Your Hair Loss

DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) comes from the male hormone testosterone. Both men and women have DHT, but women make estrogen that offsets its male characteristics. High levels of DHT can shrink the hair follicles and shorten the hair growth cycle. DHT contributes to thinner and more brittle hair that falls out faster. It also makes it harder for your follicles to grow new hairs.

Merging Science and Nature to Create Fuller Hair

To manage your scalp and regrow hair, we use a combination of:

(i)                  Supplement to nourish the inside,

(ii)                Serum to strengthen the follicles from the outside,

(iii)               The physical stimulation of brushing to improve circulation,

(iv)              Rolling with micro-points to stimulate growth factors

It’s an unbeatable combination clinically proven to regrow luxurious hair.

Enhance Hair Supplement Nourishes Hair From Within

The big difference between Fully Vital’s Enhance Hair Supplement and others is our unique DHT Balance & Flow Complex. Combining 12 plant extracts and a vitamin complex, the Enhance Hair Supplement helps reduce the effects of stress on the body and nourishes the hair follicle.

Here is a quick overview of these vegan super food ingredients.

Saw Palmetto: Native Americans of the Seminole tribe have used this southern plant for centuries. The Saw Palmetto balances excess male hormones and helps block DHT absorption. Blocking DHT helps your scalp grow more hair.

Pine Bark: Pine bark contains polyphenol and flavonoids that contribute to new hair growth by boosting your scalp's healthy circulation of nutrients. A Korean laboratory study concluded that pine bark extract significantly increased hair growth.

Green Tea: Green tea from the Camellia sinensis plant is rich in antioxidants, especially EGCG. Whether sipped like tea or taken as a supplement, green tea nourishes the hair follicles. EGCG slows DHT-induced hair loss by prolonging the androgen hair growth phase and slowing the hair shedding phase.

Curcumin: Turmeric extract fights hair thinning by reducing inflammation and blocking testosterone from converting into DHT (Dihydrotestosterone). DHT prevents nutrients from reaching the hair follicles, causing the hair to become malnourished. Starved hair follicles lead to hair loss. Curcumin prevents the negative effects of DHT and fights hair thinning.

Ashwagandha: This powerful root is a staple in Ayurvedic medicine and goes by “Indian Ginseng” or “Indian Winter Cherry.”  Along with helping to balance stress hormones, Ashwagandha supports longer hair growth cycles. It is called an adaptogen because it helps the body cope with stress and significantly prevents hair loss.

Pterostilbene: Pterostilbene is an antioxidant common in various plant-based foods, including blueberries, grapes, peanuts, and almonds. It is chemically like resveratrol, another natural compound from red grapes that acts like estrogen. It supports healthy cellular aging and balanced metabolism.

Ginkgo Biloba: An essential function of the Ginkgo Biloba is its ability to widen blood vessels. Better blood supply to the hair follicle means a better supply of nutrients and healthier hair.

Biotin: Vitamin B7, known as Biotin, is an essential nutrient in meat, eggs, fish, seeds, and nuts. Multiple clinical studies show that Biotin helps to improve hair regrowth.

Vitamin Complex: This supplement packs 7 vitamins, 3 minerals, and iodine to nourish hair follicles and produce thick, healthy hair. Our vegan formula contains only natural ingredients. We purposely avoid the typical compounds found in hair remedies due to potential side effects.

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Vegan Enhance Hair Serum Gets to the Root of the Problem

Each hair follicle is a complex system designed to grow healthy hair. Restoring weak or damaged hair follicles requires nourishment from the inside and the outside. We’ve developed a potent, natural serum that absorbs from the scalp to the follicle base. Some of the active ingredients include:

1.        Copper Tripeptides: This natural compound reduces inflammation and blocks DHT in the scalp, promoting better hair growth.

2.         Capixyl: This biomimetic peptide is formulated from the extract of red clover and has been shown in clinical studies to enhance hair density by 46%.

3.        Caffeine: A natural plant-based stimulant that supports better circulation and helps increase hair length.

4.          Hyaluronic Acid: Our bodies make this compound to help lubricate our joints, skin, and eyes. It also helps hydrate hair and the scalp for a healthier hair follicle.

5.         Melatonin: A powerful antioxidant that protects the hair follicle cells from damage and helps to regrow hair.

6.          Centella Asiatica Extract: A natural moisturizing Korean herb that is also an antioxidant that maintains the skin’s natural barrier.

active ingredients 

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By combining the serum on the scalp with the advanced nutrition of the supplement, you will revitalize sleeping hair follicles, kick-starting new and vigorous hair growth.