We Already Have Everything We Need To Lose Weight inside our Body Right Now

Your hormones control nearly every aspect of losing weight, including: your metabolism, energy, hunger, cravings, mood, mental clarity, and so on.

Unfortunately, the science behind hormones and their role in losing weight is ignored in almost every approach to weight loss. This is a critical mistake that actually results in long-term gains for women.

Feeling better with a boost in energy in the first few days

The Key to Natural Weight Loss for Women Over 40 Is Working WITH Your Hormones

So our body can let go of and release stored fat the way it’s designed to. Unfortunately, diets, weight loss programs, supplements, and workout regimens not only ignore this, they can actually trigger a woman’s body to resist releasing stored fat.

Trying to “burn” fat with excessive exercise and calorie deprivation might work for men, but women's bodies are very different.

While men are built to expend energy easily, women are biologically hardwired to conserve energy in case of a possible pregnancy.

This is why women survive famines far longer than men. So, Eating Less And Exercising More Just Triggers our body's natural defense against starvation which sends a signal to your body to hold on to stored fat.

This is why it’s so hard if not impossible to lose extra weight and keep it off. Because dieting forces you to fight your own body for every ounce of fat loss.

You feel tired. You feel irritable. You get brain fog. You get headaches. And your cravings go through the roof. Because your body feels like it’s under attack, so it holds onto every ounce of fat it can. I call this "Hormonal Fat Storage". And it’s why women over 40 need an entirely different, more natural approach to weight loss.

When Your Hormones Are In Balance Losing Weight Is Almost Effortless

Using what we now know about the science of hormones and their impact on weight loss, you can work with your hormones so your body releases fat instead of storing it. That’s why we call this “Hormonal Fat Release”.

New Weight Loss

Once you know your hormonal profile and your hormones are in balance, your body naturally works with you. So, you're not tired all the time. You're not constantly fighting through brain fog and mood swings. You're not battling intense cravings. ​You don't have to count calories, track your meals, or torture yourself with grueling workouts. It’s because your body’s working WITH you rather than fighting against you.

When you know your hormonal profile and your hormones are in balance, your body naturally RELEASES excess fat instead of fighting you for every inch.

While Losing 25 Lbs Looks and Feels Different On Every Woman's Body

This typically means, you can expect to drop 6 inches off your waist, go down at least 6 dress sizes, ​Enjoy more energy, mental clarity, and confidence.

This typically means, you can expect to Lower your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar without the constant struggle, overwhelm, or frustration.

So, you can continue losing pounds and inches - each and every week - until you love what you see in the mirror and are living your best life.