Although the bananas of "Enset", commonly known as "false bananas", are closely related to bananas, they are not eaten in all parts of Ethiopia. In addition to the traditional southern part of

Ethiopia, the food is also becoming more common in other parts of the country.

Picture: woman preparing Kocho

Picture: women preparing Kocho

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It is also available as alternative food in modern hotels in many cities. Enset develops moderate to

high rainfall. It grows between 15,000 and 28,000 meters above sea level. However, although it can

grow in highland and arid plains, its growth is slow.

Enset has a wide variety of species due to its shape, or stem color, size, height, thickness, strength, 

softness, rapid growth, fiber content, medicinal properties, and fodder preference. Depending on the

species, it may be used for a variety of purposes. It is known that there are more than 100

species. In the northern part of the country it is known as Guna Guna.

In North Gondar, the Armachiho Guna Guna type that grows on rivers highly includes fiber which is

the most abundant found in forests. They do not use it for food in the wild. They take the fiber out

and use it for making rope to tie cattle and others.

Ensets are mainly eaten in Sidama, Gurage, Sheka, Kefa, Wolayita, Gedo. It is widely grown in

Karoma, Gouji, West Arsi (Kofele, Wereqa, Cocosa) and Southwest Shoa.

Enset is the staple food of 20 million people in Ethiopia, but it is not produced in other countries.

Enset-like plants, similar to Enset, have sprouted all the way to South Africa. This suggests that the

plant can grow outside Ethiopia as well.

However, it is said that preparing Enset for food is as labor-intensive and tedious as it is nutritious.

Various pilot projects are underway at various institutions of higher learning to improve labor and

time-consuming production of Enset.

The main advantage of Enset is as follows:

  •  Because there is so much produce on a small plot of land
  •  Because it reproduces easily and requires less labour
  •  Because it is a nutritious food
  •  Due to the fact that it can be stored for many years (up to 7 years) after it has been harvested.
  •  The fiber used after refining is used for many purposes
  •  Enset plant has a lot of water, so during the dry summer months; it provides water to the nearby plant.
  •  The leaf, the stem, and the rest of the product can be used as animal feed
  •  It is a natural remedy for humans and animals.
  •  The product is supplied as a raw material for the factory,
Picture: Bread prepared from Kocho

Studies show that this plant resembles a banana plant and can feed more than 100 million people

worldwide. Although Enset is not known outside of Ethiopia, it is made into porridge used for food.

According to researchers Enset can feed more than 100 million people and increase food security in

Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda. At the same time, there is an increasing demand for new

crops to feed the world, which is dependent on a few crops.

Preparation Step of Kocho from Enset

The enset, which is ready for production, is ready to be scrubbed early in the day and covered with

Enset leaves. Enset was about to be excavated and uprooted. The top part is for animal feed, not for

Kocho. The main stem will be cut at 2 m high, in two. The dried and the thick green on the stem are

being peeled off.